A PRIMARY schoolboy from Basingstoke who took his GCSEs early has achieved the highest grade possible.

Mackenzie Victorino, 11, who "loves maths", began learning algebra when he was in Year 4 and was able to take a higher maths GCSE.

The Year 6 pupil at Marnel Junior School told the Gazette that he was "very happy," when he found out on Thursday, August 22, that he achieved a Grade 9.

READ MORE: GCSE results: Live updates from Basingstoke schools as pupils find out grades

Primary schoolboy, 11, achieves highest grade possible in GCSEsPrimary schoolboy, 11, achieves highest grade possible in GCSEs (Image: McGil Victorino)

He said: "I studied for an hour every day for a year and was allowed to take the exams at a test centre.

"I was confident, I wasn't nervous, maths is my favourite subject."

The young brainbox, who lives in Popley with his mum and dad, who both work for the NHS, said that he will celebrate with a party this weekend, and invite "all my family and friends".

With a score of 223, and a Grade 9 in the bag, Mackenzie's father, McGil Victorino, couldn't find the words to explain his emotions.

He told the Gazette: "It is unexplainable, what I am feeling right now.

"I believe he is the youngest boy in Basingstoke to take his GCSE exams, it is indescribable, when we received the results this morning, we were so pleased and we started to shout."