A BRAVE hospital assistant in Basingstoke has shaved her head to raise money for a cancer charity, after losing family members to the disease.

Samorn Avon, who has worked at Basingstoke Hospital for 16 years, cut her hair in aid of the Little Princess Trust, a charity that makes wigs for children with cancer.

She will also be donating her own hair to the Little Princess Trust, which will hopefully be made into a wig. 

The big chop took place in the canteen of the hospital on Thursday, August 21, with canteen worker Diane wielding the clippers.

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Samorn celebrating her head shave with colleagues (Image: Contributed) When asked how she felt about the have, Samorn said she was “nervous” as she has always had very long hair, but also “very happy” about doing it. 

She said: “My dad, mother and brother all died of cancer, and I’ve also lost friends and colleagues. I’m doing this as a thank you to them for everything they did for me.” 

Samorn’s husband of 22 years Dean Wilson said he was feeling “immensely proud” of his wife.

He said: “She’s very brave for doing this. It’s going to be a little strange to see her without any hair - I’ll no longer be the bald one!"

The couple met in Bangkok in 2002, and moved to Priestley Road, in Rooksdown, in 2008. Samorn, who was born in Thailand, celebrated getting her British citizenship last month. 

Samorn’s fundraising campaign has raised £737.55 so far for the Little Princess Trust that provides free real hair wigs to those under the age of 24 who have lost their hair due to cancer or other illnesses.

Donations can be made directly to the Little Princess Trust, and proceeds also go towards funding research into cancer treatment for children.