Mark Jones is partnerships manager at Destination Basingstoke. He has worked in Basingstoke for 27 years, including 13 years as editor of the Gazette and eight years as director of communications and fundraising at Ark Cancer Charity.

ACTIONS speaks louder than words – and it is good to see some action being taken to make the Top of Town area of Basingstoke a better place for all.

For far too long, the Top of Town has been an area of false dawns – regeneration plans have come and gone and yet there has been little evidence of real and tangible change.

Green shoots have been seen in recent weeks with a focus on improving the street landscape as part of a package of borough council-led improvements over the coming year.

READ MORE: 12-month rejuvenation project to promote a 'buzzing' cafe culture in Top of Town

As I wrote in this column a few months ago, we have some lovely venues in the Top of Town, and they are trying to attract customers, and bring in vital revenue, with music performances and themed events. However, they clearly need a helping hand to create a more vibrant and income-generating atmosphere in the area during the day and night.

I repeat my view that the streets of Basingstoke town centre are all too often ‘alive’ with the sound of…silence.

I have long thought that one of the things that would help to enhance Basingstoke town centre, and particularly the Top of Town area, would be the sound of music in the streets.

Surely, there must be a way to encourage more local buskers and street performers to bring more life to Basingstoke town centre? There must be lots of local performers who, given the opportunity and encouragement, would jump at the chance to showcase their talents in the town centre for no or minimal cost.

One thing is certain – there must be no more false dawns for the Top of Town. The area has a potentially bright and vibrant future and now is the time for a collective effort by all concerned to deliver end results that produce positive outcomes for the local community and businesses.

PS: Local businessman Andy Jackson shared some interesting town centre thoughts in his Destination Basingstoke Ambassador Community Amazingstoke Podcast interview (take a listen at