Wildflower Turf Ltd, based in Ashe Warren, has released an innovative solution to combat the UK's declining bee and butterfly populations.

The new Enhance range offers a habitat designed to maximise nectar and pollen availability for these essential pollinators.

James Hewetson-Brown, managing director of Wildflower Turf Ltd, said: "The Enhance range was created with the specific goal of supporting and increasing pollinator numbers.

"By incorporating a diverse mix of native wildflowers, we can provide a sustainable habitat that offers food and shelter for bees and butterflies throughout the growing season and even the majority of the year, if left uncut over the winter months."

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The urgent need for such a solution is clear, as the UK has suffered a significant reduction in bee populations over the past century, with two species now extinct and others under grave threat.

Intense farming, habitat loss, and pesticide usage have led to a 97 per cent decrease in wildflower meadows since the 1930s.

The Enhance range is not only an effective response to this ecological crisis.

It is also user-friendly and sustainable, requiring minimal maintenance and providing a feasible choice for urban planners, developers, and private landowners.

Mr Hewetson-Brown added: "Our Enhance range is more than just a product; it’s part of a broader effort to restore biodiversity and secure the future of our ecosystems.

"By choosing Enhance, our customers are directly contributing to the survival of pollinators and the overall health of our environment."

For more information on the product, you can visit wildflowerturf.co.uk.