If anyone watched the men’s 100m final at the Olympics; you’d know that the difference between winning and losing can be microscopic. In fact, not even a hundredths of a second could differentiate the first two. Blink and you’ll miss it. Same is true of moments and opportunities in life.

As I reach the end of my 30s, I feel privileged to have seen and been a part of so many lives and experiences. This has come from my roles at work and the amazing friendships I have known. Equally, I have endured pain like no other.

Without trying you will never know. Fear is acquired and not something we are born with. The margins between success and failure are so small sometimes that what it actually takes to succeed is will power, desire and belief.

(Image: Osman Ahmed) Actions have consequences and I’m not suggesting for one second you give up or sell everything for dreams or goals, but the reality is when you analyse any true greatness or general success; it’s achieved through some sacrifice. I read somewhere 'you should not fear but instead be willing to give up what you have or are today for what you might gain or become tomorrow.'

No one can predict a precise future or turn back time. We are and can only control the here and now. I made a promise to my son when he was just a few weeks old that I hope to make him proud. I urge everyone to try and make a difference. Make mistakes and learn from them but do not hide behind excuses. You absolutely must try to fulfil your vision. Fail and fail again and then fail some more but do not give up. I’d go so far as to say; be more adventurous each time and try even more elaborate ideas.

I’m of the opinion that any person’s biggest regret at our time of passing will be what if I had… So don’t have regrets. Instead, be free from constraints of others’ opinions of you and your actions. In 10 years from now; I have every intention of having made a difference to our great world. The scale of that difference will be up to me and what I do each day and not the say-so of others' reviews.