A Basingstoke woman has taken her personal battle with psoriasis, a chronic skin condition, and turned it into a powerful story of resilience and self-acceptance.

Giorgia Lanuzza, 33, with her upcoming memoir, has chronicled her journey from the depths of despair to becoming a beacon of hope and positivity.

She was 13 when her life changed forever.

Until then Giorgia had experienced a perfect life split between her mother’s home in Basingstoke, and summers with her father in Sicily.

(Image: Supplied)

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But her father’s devastating sudden death in a motorcycle crash left both Giorgia and her eldest brother reeling emotionally.

And her body had something else in store for her. It wasn’t long after her father’s death that patches of scaley, itchy skin began to appear all over her body.

Giorgia knew at once what it was because her mother had also developed it at roughly the same age: Psoriasis. 

It’s a skin condition which doesn’t get as much coverage as conditions such as acne or vitiligo, but it affects more than 125 million people worldwide and its impact can be devasting.

For the next 20 years, Giorgia would suffer recurrent episodes which left her body covered in uncomfortable itchy patches.

She became a recluse, avoiding school and social interactions, hiding in her room all day.

When she did go out, to overcompensate for the sadness inside, she was the loudest she could be. 

A huge personality who was hiding her suffering. She began smoking cannabis and drinking to escape.

However, everything changed when Giorgia discovered photography at 18.

What started as a hobby soon became a lifeline. Through the lens of her camera, she began to see her skin not as a source of pain, but as a canvas of unique beauty.

Giorgia started documenting her condition in detail, capturing the patterns on her skin and sharing her journey online.

The response was overwhelming. Her photos went viral in 2015, garnering millions of views and transforming her from a hidden figure into a global inspiration.

Giorgia's newfound confidence and acceptance of her condition led to her becoming an ambassador for World Psoriasis Day in 2015 and 2016.

She became the face of campaigns in both the UK and Amsterdam, raising awareness about psoriasis and encouraging others to embrace their differences.

Her collaboration with renowned photographer Brock Elbank on a nude photoshoot further cemented her status as a symbol of empowerment.

Georgia, who now lives in Basingstoke with her partner and two children, also found a phenomenal friend group who all appreciated every inch of who she was.

(Image: Supplied)

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Inspired by this newfound positivity, Giorgia began to retrain her brain to see the beauty in her skin. 

Her memoir, 'Different Skin', offers a deeply personal account of her struggle and triumph, providing support and guidance to others facing similar challenges.

'Different Skin' is her first book, and it promises to inspire readers to embrace who they are, live differently, and find happiness in the skin they’re in.