The Hampshire Harmony choir celebrated their 60th anniversary this summer with a jubilee concert in July and an afternoon tea with live music at the Basingstoke Country Hotel on Sunday, September 9. 
Kicking off the festivities with pianist Hazel O’Leary, who provided background entertainment, while everyone mingled and enjoyed their afternoon tea.

There were past choir uniforms on display along with previous trophies and programmes, as well as nostalgic memorabilia from past competitions, trips abroad and appearances on the radio and the BBC. There were lots of fond memories and warm feelings shared among the guests. 
Two of the choir’s founding members from 1964, Mary Bryant and Gwendoline Moore, were in attendance that afternoon, who had the honour of cutting the cake for the occasion. 
A toast was raised and David Ogborn, a previous music director of the Basingstoke Male Voice Choir, gave a warm and humorous speech praising the Hampshire Harmony Choir. 
A sing-along accompanied by the Harmony Choir’s own pianist of 40 years Jonathan Hedgecock followed. 
With 60 years under their belt, the choir aren’t showing any signs of slowing down yet, welcoming seven new members into the fold during their Open Evening on Monday, September 9.

Hampshire Harmony are also in full preparation for their next big events, which include a Christmas concert at the United Reformed Church in Basingstoke on Saturday, November 30, as well as singing at The Tower of London on Saturday, December 7. 
If you sing Soprano, Mezzo or Alto and are interested in joining a choir who continuously strive to move forward and boast a wide repertoire of music from classical to modern and folk to pop, the Hampshire Harmony are always looking for new talent. 
You can get in contact with the Hampshire Harmony Choir via their website at: