Plans are underway for an exhibition celebrating 50 years of the Basingstoke and Deane borough, which is expected to run from the end of October to mid-November. 
This year marks 50 years since the local communities within 245 square miles of Basingstoke were first brought together to form the borough of Basingstoke and Deane. 
For that reason, and to celebrate the momentous occasion and changes in the area over the last half a century, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council are calling on and encouraging residents and local business to share their stories and experiences for a special exhibition of what it is like to live and work in their county. 
The exhibition continues a wider series of events under the Basingfolk project at
Dates for the exhibition are still to be confirmed, but it is expected to run from end of the end of October to mid-November and be held in the town centre of Basingstoke, at the heart of the county for all townsfolk to be able to visit. 
The Love Basingstoke team are currently calling for participants and any residents who are interested in getting involved are welcome to call 01256 844844 or email and ask to be part of the Basingfolk project.