THE owner of a large dog from Basingstoke is calling for other pet owners to keep their animals on leads over fears that hers will be blamed for an attack.

Jo Harkness, from Oakley, has noticed a problem in the area with dog owners allowing them to run around off the lead which she says is causing problems.

The 29-year-old, who always keeps her two-year-old rescue dog Hera on a lead, said the problem has become worse since the ban of XL bullies.

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HeraHera (Image: Jo Harkness) She explained: “It’s become much worse since then. Since the ban it’s shown it was never the XL bullies that were the issue because it’s still happening with little dogs that aren’t on a lead running up and attacking other dogs.”

Hera, who is a rottweiler crossed with a French mastiff and who won overall judges' favourite at the Overton dog show, is not in the XL bully category, but Jo believes that because of her size, she would be blamed if there was an attack.

“Ever since the ban small dog owners think they are untouchable because the small dogs would never be blamed,” she said.

HeraHera (Image: Jo Harkness) The repairs and maintenance coordinator added: “I walk Hera on a lead because I respect other dog walkers. But other dogs off lead the owners shout ‘they’re friendly’ but it doesn’t mean my dog is.

“Owners should at least make sure their dog has good recall if it’s off a lead and not let it run up to other dogs. I don’t want your dog approaching my dog. My fear is that she will always be blamed.”

She has made an extra effort, along with her step-daughter Imogen, with owners of XL bully dogs since the ban, explaining: "Imogen loves all big dogs and now with the XL bully ban we make sure she always says hello to the owners and always asks if she can say hello to the dogs because they don’t deserve to feel alienated, all dogs deserve love."

Jo also worries about children being approached by dogs and recently witnessed a young girl terrified when a small dog ran up to her.

“It went bolting over to her and the little girl was so scared. I managed to hold the dog away while the owners put it on a lead,” she said. 

Jo believes there should be a legal requirement to use a lead in public places, adding: “Every dog should be on a lead by law. You get so many owners of small dogs saying XL bullies should be banned, but their dog should be on a lead.

“If you are in a field and you scope the field and there’s no one there let the dog off. But make sure it comes back if you see another dog. I only let Hera off in an enclosed field where I pay for her to run around.”