A couple who longed for a family have shared their story to encourage others to consider adopting siblings.

Louise and Alex, who adopted siblings Claire and Nick, are keen to inspire others to help keep siblings together and offer them family life.

The couple feel strongly about the children's "very strong sibling bond" and their responsibility to keep them together.

Louise said: "We wanted to have a family, and this was our way of having a family.

"I was so longing to be a mum."

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Nike is said to like footballNike is said to like football (Image: Adopt South)Louise and Alex have shared their adoption journey in a short film to help potential adoptive parents understand what it is like to have siblings.

The couple are committed to providing the children with all the love and support they need as they grow and develop.

Alex said: "It’s not double the work.

"You just need two beds, but you’ve still got to do the same stuff."

Louise added: "Nick likes his football and Claire likes her dance.

"We had a schedule of activities; we also went to playgrounds and walks along the common."

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Louise and Alex were longing for a family (Image: Adopt South) Rachel Reynolds, head of Adopt South, the regional adoption agency for Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton, said: "People who are finding out about adoption will share their vision of a family with us.

"When applicants in the very early stages of the adoption journey express their desire to have siblings, our team will do everything we can during assessment to identify how we can support them to make this a reality.

"We offer a learning programme specifically for adopting siblings, dedicated sibling parent workers as well as a parent who has adopted siblings to offer support and experience of everyday life.

"When applicants are approved, and children are placed with the family, we will offer opportunities to introduce them to other adoptive parents who have more than one child in their family.

"We understand the cost of having children and the space they need, can have an impact on household means, but we will try and help anyone who is interested in adopting children who need the lifetime love of a family.

"What children need most is comfort, understanding and time their parent(s) can give them to grow and flourish with a sense of identity.

"There may be financial support available for sibling adoption, and we will seek to help families in every way that we possibly can."

Louise and Alex are among 75 households who have adopted siblings with Adopt South.

Adopt South offers adoption support including access to social events and connections to other families with siblings in the Adopt South region.