A group of young volunteers has launched a project to help people talk to friends struggling with mental health.

The "Friend in Need" project, created by Youthwatch Hampshire, provides advice and information on supporting friends facing mental health challenges.

This initiative was sparked by a survey revealing that most respondents were unsure of how to help friends experiencing poor mental health.

The project comes in response to the NHS's report of a rise in young people facing mental health challenges, from 12.5 per cent in 2017 to 20.3 per cent in 2023.

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Youthwatch Hampshire has launched a new project to help with mental health support (Image: Healthwatch Hampshire) The volunteers, with the support of Healthwatch Hampshire, have created a resource that can be used across multiple platforms to start conversations and guide those in need towards helpful organisations.

Tim Crowhurst, volunteer lead from Healthwatch Hampshire, said: "These amazing young people have worked tirelessly to build this project and the resource from the ground up.

"We couldn’t be prouder of what they’ve achieved in producing a resource that is both accessible and professional."

Youthwatch Hampshire is a branch of the local health champion, Healthwatch Hampshire.

The project is aimed at filling the gap in resources for conversations about mental health, as identified by the proactive young volunteers.

Further information can be found on the Youthwatch website.