'It’s time for the silly party politics to stop! Damian Hinds MP is now making the same mistake his colleague and former MP Maria Miller made, the same dangerous politicking that left our local NHS hanging.

He is trying to excuse his government’s unforgiveable dishonesty over Basingstoke’s new hospital. People were not told the truth.

READ MORE: MP slams review of new Basingstoke hospital saying it will put project 'in limbo'

As the Gazette has been told directly by the Department for Health and Social Care there was no money for our hospital confirmed in the Hospital Building Programme. No amount of trying to rewrite history will change that fact. The old Government had not funded cohort 4, the part of the programme which included Basingstoke.

The new Government are now holding a spending review, but we are still not guaranteed a new hospital. We are going to have to lobby hard for it.

The borough council, working with our colleagues in the NHS and our wider community, will campaign for a new hospital. We recognise how vital it is to our town and borough's future. We need a new hospital in Basingstoke and it is far too important an issue for party politicking.'

Dr Paul Harvey

Leader of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council