THE leader of the council has shut down claims by the Conservatives that he backs plans to create new towns with at least 10,000 homes in each, calling it "total scaremongering," and saying the Conservatives are "crying wolf."

As previously reported, Conservative leader of the opposition, Clrr Simon Minas-Bound called out Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council's ruling Independent and Liberal Democrat administration’s apparent backing for new towns in the Government’s planning consultation.

Now, the leader of the council has responded, telling the Gazette that this is "total scaremongering from the Conservatives," and the figure of 10,000 is "made up."

He said: "Our response to the government's consultation expressed our concerns that the housing number being imposed on our Borough was too high.

READ MORE: 'We're at breaking point': BDBC's stance on creation of new 10,000 home towns slammed

Cllr Minas-Bound and Cllr Paul HarveyCllr Minas-Bound and Cllr Paul Harvey (Image: HCC/BDBC)

"We repeat that message again now - we believe that the government is telling us to build more houses than our infrastructure can support."

The council leader stated that Cllr Minas-Bound was being "deliberately misleading," by taking a reference he made "out of context."

He added: "By highlighting a reference about new settlements out of context, Councillor Bound is being deliberately misleading.

"We are not going to play games with something so important as the Local Plan and the future our Borough.

"The whole point is that we want Central Government to listen to the needs of our communities."

Cllr Harvey pointed out that the Conservatives "did not invest" in the town throughout their tenure in power, opposing Manydown development for 17 years.

He said: "The Conservatives left Basingstoke subject to piecemeal and speculative development over 17 years.

"They opposed Manydown for 17 years and our villages and towns have suffered because of their planning games.

"Manydown is a new 'garden village' and needs to be planned properly.

"We are visiting with and speaking to Parish Councils across our Borough, we’ve held over 40 meetings, we’re out there engaging people with our thinking and listening to them."

The council leader accused the Tories of "crying wolf," after not investing throughout their time in power.

He said: "It’s no good the Tories crying wolf now, they had 14 years in power nationally and locally.

"Conservatives cut, Conservatives did not invest, they left us without doctors, teachers and the investment in roads, water and electricity we needed.

"They made the rules, they allowed those construction companies, water and electric companies to put profit before people.

"That’s the legacy we are now living with.

"The Conservatives did enough damage to Basingstoke. People want action to solve their problems, not political games from politicians who should know better."