PLANS to build a garden shed will be debated by councillors and decided by vote, following objections from neighbours and a parish council who have concerns that the proposals are 'tactical'. 

James Selwood, of Bears Cottage, Tubbs Lane, in Highclere submitted an application to build a shed 5.3m in length, 4.2m wide and 3.4m high in his garden in 2023 after previously having planning permission for a garage refused.

However, objections were raised by neighbours and the parish council who have questioned why another shed is needed and suggested that the plans are a 'tactical' way to 'circumvent' the garage refusal. 

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The cottage is lcoated in Tubbs LaneThe cottage is located in Tubbs Lane (Image: Google Street View)

Their concerns, which also include issues about the maintenance of nearby trees, the shed being visible from a neighbour's kitchen window and environmental and wildlife queries, will be discussed by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council's development control committee in a meeting on Wednesday, October 8. 

The proposed shed would be built on a triangular plot of land and would comprise of timber cladding and a flat sedum/grass roof.

Highclere Parish Council previously raised concerns that there were no dimensions given and argued that construction of the shed is a way to "circumvent" the decision which denied the applicant a garage.

A comment on the application reads: "It is not clear who owns the land for the proposed shed to be built on.

"There are no dimensions for this construction and it is clear that a shed has already been erected on site.

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"A previous application for a garage has been refused permission on the plot (23/00104/FUL) and this would seem a tactic to circumvent that decision, particularly as there are no dimensions on this application."

An objection from neighbour Clare Cicchetti reads: "The current boundary fence has been put up to only halfway down the boundary, with the fence being deliberately placed Bears cottage side of existing trees.

"Trees which were always on Pirate's Cottage land. Are we supposed to deal with these now?

"They are too tall for us to deal with yet why should we have to pay for keeping them?"

She added: "How are Bears Cottage going to trim these extremely tall trees and keep them in shape? Why should the expense fall to us as they already overhang our garden."

Another objection from neighbour Jane Glen criticises the application for overdevelopment.

It reads: "It is an overdevelopment of a small plot which already has been granted permission for a shed.

"It appears to be a very similar drawing to the planning application for a garage that has already been refused(22/02503/FUL).

"I believe that this amended application for a second shed will lead to a garage being built together with an expanded driveway.

"Given the fact that a lot of the ground space is either gravel or paved already, it will be of further detriment to wildlife and trees in this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty."

Readers can find the full application by visiting