PERMISSION has been granted for nearly 500 homes to be built on the former Basingstoke Golf Course site after a reserved matters application was approved.

The development will mean the creation of 485 homes, 117 of which will be designated affordable housing, as well as a neighbourhood park, sports pitches and allotments.

Bloor Homes submitted the reserved matters application for phase three of its 1,000 home development on the site of the former golf course, in Winchester Road, in December last year. 

As of October 21, the applications was given the green light.

READ MORE: Details for nearly 500 homes and sport pitches on golf course site unveiled

Artists impression of the developmentArtists impression of the development (Image: Bloor Homes planning application)

A total of 485 dwellings, including 308 market homes (19 of which are custom build plots) and 117 affordable housing dwellings will be built.

A neighbourhood park with kickabout and equipped play, a public open space and landscaping, sports pitches and changing room plus a total of 45 allotments will also be created.

In addition, the application means the creation of an attenuation basin to store excess rainwater and storm water to reduce the risk of flooding and supporting highways and drainage infrastructure including foul and surface water drainage infrastructure for the third phase of development.

Following permission being given, changes have been made to phase three after concerns were raised that there would be 'insufficient areas of open space or landscape features', the allotments and pitches arrangement were considered to be 'awkward and constrained' and the link between the neighbourhood park should be enhanced and widened - to name just a few. 

In the latest application, Bloor Homes has stated that a series of open spaces or pocket parks have been introduced into the southern part of the site, and the link between the neighbourhood park and sports pitches has been 'widened to incorporate some landscaping and a footpath providing a green corridor'.

This part of the development will comprise of 485 homes - reduced from the initially planned 494 homes - including 107 four-bedroom, 216 three-bedroom, 78 two-bed and 36 one-bedroom homes. Of those, 117 are designated 'affordable properties.'