UNDERGROUND cables will be put in place to connect a solar panel array to a community allotment.

The allotment land at Rowan Road, Tadley, will be connected to a Solar PV array, which will be used to "power the fundamental services of the allotment" such as lighting, polytunnel light and temperature management, the outdoor shelter area and kitchen.

The cabling route is required to connect the PV panels to the allotment and support the delivery of this renewables scheme.

A total of 15 PV panels have been installed on the northern boundary of the car park and once connected via underground cables, will be capable of exporting approximately 3.680kW of electricity for the allotment.

READ MORE: Council to take no further action on 'massive' AWE development

During the construction period, which is estimated to take between one to two weeks, it is anticipated that two medium-sized truck deliveries will be needed - one delivery for ground-mount and one delivery for modules.

Permission was granted in full by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council on Monday, October 7.

Jeni Jackson, head of planning and infrastructure at Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council said in a decision notice: "The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this planning permission."