POWERS to tackle nuisance drinking in Overton will come into effect in the new year.

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s licensing committee has approved an application by Overton beat bobby PC Richard Baldwin for a Designated Public Places Order (DPPO).

This gives police powers to seize alcohol from louts.

PC Baldwin, speaking at the committee meeting, said: “It is a dynamic power allowing us to address the issue there and then.

“It is not a miracle cure. It is not going solve street-drinking or anti-social behaviour, but it will help control it.”

He said a notice will be published in The Gazette outlining the plan and signs about the confiscation powers will be displayed in the village zone.

This includes Winchester Street, High Street, Sapley Lane Playing Field, Edward Kersley Playing Field, Oak Tree Park play area and Poyntz Road.

It comes after 27 alcohol-related disorders since July 2008 in Overton, plus 104 reports of rowdy and inconsiderate behaviour.

PC Baldwin told the meeting that while Overton did not suffer from rampaging louts, there was a group of adult troublemakers.

Present police powers did not allow him to confiscate alcohol from over-18s, he said.

The committee approved the DPPO, but one of the objectors, South Ham councillor Gerald Traynor, a former magistrate, said he was against the proposal because the police already had too many powers.

He said: “I don’t think there is a massive problem in Overton and will not be supporting it.”

However, Buckskin borough councillor Robert Taylor, a serving magistrate, said: “Any objections underestimated the ability of the police to apply their powers.”

The DPPO was also not without opposition from local residents.

Joy Hatton, of Two Gate Meadows, Overton, told councillors the DPPO signs could increase the fear of crime.

Mrs Hatton, who lectures in criminology at the Basingstoke College of Technology, said: “It is going to increase the psychological divide between the young and old.”