WE LIVE in a world saturated with countless trends for every aspect of your life. Every day we are exposed to sensory overload from the minute we wake up to the minute we finally manage to close our eyes. Take a moment here to give consideration to those that suffer from insomnia.

I wrote recently about choosing wisely and to reiterate first and foremost; think carefully about the things that truly matter to you. What stage of life are you at and where would you like to get to.

Big questions with very long answers.

What is the first thing that comes into your head when you wake up. What drives you to get out of bed. For some, that first step can be incredibly difficult and the energy and effort it takes to make it even that far can come with a price. Whatever that something is; be it helping your children, making your partner breakfast, your dog needing to go out, your work or something entirely different; somewhere along the line, your choices have led you to this point. Yours and not anyone else's

Modern day stresses of our lives regardless of what stage of life your are in will no doubt occupy much of the day. So what are we going to do with the rest of our time. Some readers may be screaming at this article saying "what time". But you have found the time to read this (for which I am grateful). That other time we have, could be spent reading, listening, watching or learning about things that we are passionate about or in some case things that really are not that important. Whatever the content; I would urge you to consider every single last thing you take on board, to do so with a caution.

I am genuinely tired of every single "influencer" and "advisor" because so many seem to think they know best. I have two bits of advice. The first is don't listen to anyone else's advice. The second is to try it for yourself and make your own mind up. Try that recipe, attempt extreme Pilates if you want, book that lonely looking restaurant, skydive, wear a patchwork coat, visit that country but not for the trend but for what you want to be and enjoy the things you like. Be your own judge, jury and executioner.