Drivers from the region put in impressive performances on Bank Holiday Monday at the penultimate round of this year's CCRC Gulf Race Fuels FF1600 Championship.

Ben Hadfield from Hook, driving a Van Diemen RF79, recorded a fourth-place finish in Class D before unfortunately retiring from the race.

In the CCRC GT Championship, Jamie Sturges made a strong showing in his Ramiar Filters Cupra Car. The first race was red-flagged after a crash involving Salisbury racer Nigel Mustill, who rolled his Solution F Volvo at Quarry Corner.

However, Sturges bounced back to finish third overall and first in Class E in the second race.

In the Hot Hatch Championship, Salisbury driver Dean Clayton, driving the Wessex Packaging VW Golf Mk 2 16V, recorded a fifth and sixth-place finish in Class A.

Richard Earl from Alton, piloting his Van Diemen RF88, secured a second and third-place finish in Class C.