BASINGSTOKE Gymnastic Club had its biggest haul of medals in any tumbling competition ever at the British Championship qualifiers.

The club gymnasts won five golds, two silvers and one bronze.

The team were up against strong opposition, including the top clubs from the south as well as three clubs from the north and Midlands.

Basingstoke gymnasts won the top five places in the youngest female category Megan Kealy, recovering from a broken bone in her foot, still managed to take the gold medal with a tumble run that was both well executed and had a high difficulty score.

Kaitlin Lafferty took the silver with two superb runs and Hattie Sage the bronze medal, looking exceptionally neat and tidy in doing so.

Matthew Hills, the current British champion, began his defence of this title by winning Basingstoke’s second gold medal.

Conner Hamilton-Giles, performing a brand new run, was absolutely delighted when he landed his double tucked somersault, for the first time in competition. His second run was also well nailed and he took gold.

Jordan Lucas, having only just returned from his very successful European Championships, wanted to compete in this competition as it was local and his family could come and watch him perform.

He had already qualified for the British but he wanted to put out a move in the warm-up for the competition.

Lucas certainly thrilled the crowd when he performed round-off, whip, double straight somersault, whip, whip, whip, flic, triple tuck to stand on his feet.

That being achieved, Jordan competed his two runs that he performed at the European Championships and finished first by 10 points.

David-Roy Wood snapped his Achilles tendon last year while preparing for the European Championships.

He has worked very hard to overcome his injury and with the help of the Hampshire Clinic he is well on his way to recovery.

This was his first competition since the injury and he performed amazingly well on both his runs to finish with a gold.

Alex Rawson, having taken a two year break from tumbling, competed his old tumbles with ease and landed both of his runs without any difficulty to finish second to Wood in the senior section.

Other gymnasts who successfully competed and won a places into the British Championships were Keira Blakey, Charlotte Gough and Maya Dowden.

Yasmin Hamilton-Giles fell in her very first competition and Megan Johnson did an amazing two runs, after only six months training.

Alex Hicken has already qualified as he took part in the Worlds last year.